Property Week Winner 2020 Developer of the Year

St Botolph’s, Colchester

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Making new connections in a historic setting

Visit the consultation website here

Alumno’s proposals to regenerate the site of the old Queen Street bus station and St. James’ House in Colchester will see a significant investment in the town that will bring new life to a disused area, and support economic growth of the town centre.

The proposals include student accommodation, a new hotel, commercial space for shops or businesses and improvements to public space. These will create new opportunities for local people and businesses alike.

Conscious of Colchester’s heritage, while also contributing to regeneration in the town centre, the project team is considering plans for a heritage trail through the site.

New images of the proposed scheme:

Southgate 360 View

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Rampart Walk 360 View

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For more details on our proposed scheme please click on the link to our brochure



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