Property Week Winner 2020 Developer of the Year

Photo North runner up Jennifer Charlton confirmed winner of Scottish Portrait Awards

Alumno are very proud to announce that one of the runners up of the Alumno sponsored Photo North Festival 2024 has been named as the first female winner of the Scottish Portrait Awards. Jennifer`s series of photos “A Hidden Community” highlights the growing problem of mental health issues in society today, as Jennifer puts it in her own words….

“We are living amongst a secret society, Mental Health does not discriminate, and we are surrounded by neighbours and loved ones isolated from one another, deprived of all the benefits being part of a community bestowal upon us. A lonely and insular existence of shame and inequality can be gently transformed to one of compassion and self-acceptance when we find the courage and generosity of gifting others with our stories and revealing our vulnerabilities. There will eventually be an end to the stigmatisation of Mental Health Issues when brave suffers step forward enabling transparency and the growth of a beautiful Community where judgement does not exist, only support and compassion.”

Alumno are proud to be sponsoring the Photo North Festival again in 2025, nurturing and fostering new talent in this exciting field.

More examples of Jennifer work from her series below