Property Week Winner 2020 Developer of the Year

Park Hill Residents Association Christmas Party

The annual Park Hill Residents Association Christmas Party took place in the Scottish Queen – a commercial unit at Park Hill that currently hosts the Urban Splash 25 year anniversary exhibition It’ll Never Work. The party goers took great interest in the exhibition as well as enjoying festive refreshments.

Christmas party 2019 at Park Hill Flats in Sheffield. Picture Scott Merrylees

Sheffield’s Young Music provided a fabulous singer, Ruby Macintosh, who entertained guests with Christmas favourites.

Christmas party 2019 at Park Hill Flats in Sheffield. Picture Scott Merrylees

South Street Kitchen provided essential delicious finger food that unsurprisingly went down a treat with the odd glass of wine and beer!

Christmas party 2019 at Park Hill Flats in Sheffield. Picture Scott Merrylees

The best thing though was seeing the whole community of Park Hill young and old chatting away and meeting neighbours old and new

Christmas party 2019 at Park Hill Flats in Sheffield. Picture Scott Merrylees

Judging from the feedback everyone had a good time and felt it was a fitting beginning to the Christmas festivities

The party was supported by Alumno and Urban Splash who were given a big THANK YOU!

Here`s to an exciting 2020!