Property Week Winner 2020 Developer of the Year

New Sculpture to be Installed at Benedicts Gate Norwich

Alumno have commissioned sculptor Joseph Hillier, to create a 50cm tall statue which will sit on top of a two-metre high steel plinth at the entrance of our new development in Norwich, Benedicts Gate after it was granted permission by Norwich City Council.

The sculpture has been inspired by the poem created by Norwich writer Jenny Pagdin called The Sisters of the Gated City, which views the city’s 12 medieval gates through the eyes of women.

Bronze Statue in Mould

“The specially commissioned poem tells the story of Norwich women across the ages in the context of the city’s 12 historic gates. The 12 sections of the poem, each representing a gate, are etched onto the 12 panels of the poetry wall. Hillier’s sculpture depicts the imagined child mentioned in the final part of Pagdin’s poem: ‘Perhaps the first infant she delivers this morning will grow up the architect of her own city’.” – David Campbell, Founder of Alumno

Read the full report from the Eastern Daily Press Here