The recent opening of our Benedict Gate show unit located at 71 St Benedict’s Street, NR2 4AB, Norwich received amazing feedback from our guests, stakeholders and the local press. Run by Fresh Student Living students will be able to get a taste of how one of the en-suite rooms will potentially look like.
The Benedict’s Gate scheme will offer 302 en-suite and studio rooms for students, along with communal kitchens and lounges. The landscaping around the development will be of a high quality, addressing the need to provide vibrant and sustainable outdoor space, alongside other modern sustainable features. There will also be a new public car park to be run by the city council, which will assist local businesses and ensure St Benedict’s remains a vibrant independent shopping destination.
Click the links below to see the local coverage of the opening and Benedict’s Gate
Read Here the report from Uk Property Guardian
Read Here the report from Norwich Eastern Daily Press
Read Here the report from StuRents