Property Week Winner 2020 Developer of the Year

Congratulations to Student Competition Finalist, Rob Amey for the project – Land, Myth and Time

Our tenth and final finalist is Rob Amey. His photos can be seen below…

Wassailing is an annual tradition that allows the local community, to take to the orchards with their pots, pans, drums and guns and wake the trees from their slumber. I was lucky enough to be part of the festivities this year as we sang, danced and scared away the evil spirits lurking in the darkness as I documented the procession. We toasted the oldest tree in the orchard and shared cider from the Wassail cup.

Old apple tree, we’ll wassail thee

And hoping thou wilt bear.

The Lord does know where we shall be

To be merry another year.

To blow well and to bear well

And so merry let us be.

Let every man drink up his cup

And health to the old apple tree.

This work is part of an ongoing series titled Land, Myth and Time engaging with local communities, folklore, myth and ancient landscape. Rob Amey

To view all the finalists click here