Property Week Winner 2020 Developer of the Year

Alumno Poetry Commissions – Part 5

Alumno have been thrilled to work with Sheffields Poet Laureate Otis Mensah for the exterior public artworks at Beton House, Park Hill. Otis is an inspiring young poet who combines poetry with  hiphop. His words are full of hearfelt observations on life which really get to the core of feelings and the human condition generally. In recent memory there has not been a time where the importance of poetry and calming words has been more powerful.

We were excited to reveal one of the poems which which will form part of the landscape at Beton house in December last year.

Otis Mensah & David Campbell at the unveiling of the Park Hill Poem



“We were never derelict” captures of the spirit of Park Hill, living on even through the years when no-one was living there.

Otis performed his poem for us at the launch of the Park Hill font which took place in the Park Hill Shop in December last year.

A further poem will be revealed when the public artwork on screens and benches is revealed at the opening of Beton House.

In the meantime Otis has a new single out “Breath of Life” with beautiful illustrations. We stongly suugest you follow Otis on social media for inspiration and solace in these trying times. insta @otismensah twitter@OtisMensah